Kasley means gift of god, it also implies pioneering spirit, a natural born leader, highly focused & achievement oriented.

Kasley Foundation, a project that we started on January 1st, 2021.

Kasley Foundation , an organization dedicated to helping economically underprivileged and academically bright students. Additionally, we recognize that our lives are 100% supported by Earth. Without her, we wouldn't have the basic necessities of life such as food, water, air, clothes, or homes. It is our prime responsibility to support her existence and ensure the sustainability of our planet. We believe that everything we have today is a gift from God, and it is our moral commitment to help as many people as possible to achieve a better life by sharing this gift with the children of God. Our approach is rooted in the belief that the universe is guided by an unseen power, the universal law of nature. When we support this mission, we are actually helping the unseen power with universal law of nature to accomplish its goal.

We firmly believe that education is the key to break the cycle of poverty and creating a brighter future for all. We believe that a successful life should include uplifting those who are less fortunate, as this can eliminate poverty from an entire family in a single generation. We have come to realize that waiting for someone else or the government to bring about change is not the solution. We are the ones we've been waiting for, and we are the change that we seek.

Giving should not be seen as a duty or a source of pride, but rather as a privilege that is only available to the luckier individuals. We firmly believe that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world, and we are here to make a difference in the lives of underprivileged and bright students.

There is no better exercise for the heart than reaching down and helping to lift someone up. Every NGO, knowingly or unknowingly, works with the notion that while our good works are important, the real solution lies in creating a world where charity becomes unnecessary.

Every human being is born with a deep-rooted nature of love, but unfortunately, it is often lost along the way. We need to get back to our original nature of love, and when love is put into action, it becomes nothing but service to others. Let us not limit our boundaries by providing limited service only to our families; the world is our family.

We invite you to join us in making a difference. Your support can help us in our mission to provide opportunities for underprivileged and bright students to succeed academically and break the cycle of poverty. Together, we can create a better future for these students and contribute to bring back the planet earth to its original state.