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Kasley Foundation

Kasley means gift of god, it also implies pioneering spirit, a natural born leader, highly focused & achievement oriented .

We started kasley foundation, as today whatever we have it is gift of god and  it is our moral commitment to help as many as possible to achieve better life, by sharing the gift of god with children of god.

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Environment Conservation
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What People Say About Us

Moreshwar Marotkar

Kasley Foundation is doing a great job. The work of providing support to the needy is always commendable which is done by great people like you. Such work is always godly. I pray to God that such work is always done by us.

Bharat Bhagat

The impact these people are creating is amazing, The blessings from beneficiaries will definitely fuel the movements started by Kasley but we as a people should join their hands and become their volunteer so that it will change us also as a person and get benefitted by offering our service in whichever way possible like Time, Money, Working on field with them.

Sneha Tamhankar

Hello Namaste my name is Sneha Anant Tamhankar I am studying in 2nd year of GNM and Kasley foundation helped me to pay my second year fees and really appreciating and so thankful all the Kasley foundation member for the contribution in my Education. I promise to study hard and pass with good percentage and I am willing to help needy people once I reach to my goal.

Fiza Sayyed

Hello, I was crossing by the place Kamothe where I saw Kasley Foundation members watering road sidelines and also trying to keep them clean. Its a huge step towards a clean India I appreciate it and feel so happy about their contribution.

Devendra Upadhey

I am very pleased to say that my experience with Kasley Foundation has been excellent. By providing opportunities to needy children, Kasley is investing in a better future for India, since children are the future. Keep up the good work.

Dinkar Ziman

I am thrilled to witness the diverse areas this organization serving to, Be it Child Education, Tree Adoption, Caring for patients, Watering Plants etc., This is what being human being means I guess, To serve in full capacity and in all areas, I wish a great success and I will be continuing to donate so that the fire set by Kasley keeps burning.

Shweta Bhagat

Transparency of donation received & payment donated to beneficiary is best thing about Kasley, Due to no admin fee they are pioneer in utilizing total donation for the cause.

Sandesh Patil

Our culture has always emphasized the importance of Seva, to increase our joy we must share joy with others, the barriers dissolve that separate our happiness from their happiness. Our heart starts blossoming and completely new and beautiful experience begins. I did it by being a part of Kasley, everyone must also do.

Sandeep Pradhan

Authenticity and Transparency of donation received & payment donated to beneficiary is best thing about Kasley. They share the details where fund has been utilized. It increases the trust on them. Also, they serve entire amount to needy and social cause without pocketing admin fee. They are pioneer in utilizing total donation for the cause. They do all these selfless and consider it as a service to humanity.

Khagendra Bist

Its heartening to know that the Kasley Foundation NGO is taking a step towards spreading kindness and compassion by providing clothes for leprosy patients. Its important to remember that these patients not only suffer from a medical condition but also face social stigma and discrimination. Your donation of clothes can make a significant impact in improving their quality of life and providing them with the dignity they deserve.